AuroTrends Magic Cooling Towel for Fitness,Sports,Gym & Yoga (34-Inch) by AuroTrends

This is a cool workout towel, people get confused by how this works. When it says to wet, wring and snap to activate it's cooling effect it does not mean drench it. This is not a normal towel so don't expect it to absorb an absurd amount of liquid. This is a workout towel, meant to dry out sweat, it's light weight so it does dry quickly. It's long enough to keep around your neck while you are on a treadmill or other gym equipment. Or keep it next to your water bottle if doing yoga or Pilates. Great when working on the garden or around the house, very useful when hiking you can put it on your head to keep cool or when playing sports keep it in your bag, for dance practice, cheerleading, band or track and field or if your job requires you to be outside like mailman, construction or road workers. Soft light weight material, machine washable,  excellent quality product.

#yoga #activewear #workout #fitness #gymclothes #yogatowel


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