Decorative Craft Washi Masking Tape (Set of 12 Rolls) by United Tapes Brand: United Tapes
Well school started and although it started from home and as far as I know it will continue like this at least in my area until further notice. I've been getting arts and crafts supplies that have been put to good use already. This tapes caught my eye because of the bright and range of colors and cool patterns but also while reading the specs, that this tape can be taken off and repositioned many times without leaving sticky marks which is great if it was placed directly on the walls. For the kids it's super easy to use and even cuts without scissors and that's great if you have small kids and you might not want to handle scissors yet. I'm excited for their next art project or even if they get bored and feel creative. This to be honest is very versatile because you can use it to wrap a present, decorate crafts, school work, greeting cards, mark or color code your planner or recipe book. The possibilities really go as far as your creativity will take you.
#artsandcrafts #washitape #crafts #art #decorating #kidsart
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