New Beginnings
Every year we make a list of resolutions that even if we try our hardest they end up being a list of fantasy and wishful thinking. And so this year and specially after last year I decided not to make a list and just say fuck it, whatever happens. But then as random shit always does I got this post similar but different and one on Twitter, the other on IG type of crossword puzzle looking image that said that the first 3 words I found would be kind of my 2021 vibe type shit. So in one of them I got positive, reward and moving and in the other change, love and dream and to be honest this got me thinking that we dont need silly lists of goals that yes we might want to achieve but not necessarily in a year or "this" year anyways but most importantly why do we have a damn dateline that we must have said list by new year's day to let everyone know. That pressure alone is why we dont follow thru, so since I have plenty products and so much enjoy skin care and my self care time I'm going to make sure I don't skip any by making a date with myself. After holiday break we go back to virtual learning so to maintain a positive mindset I will set time aside at the end of the day to meditate and reward myself with some wine. Now for my last three words all I can say is I am full of love and what I can't change I will be dreaming about.
Have a wonderful 2021, like I say all it has to do is not be another 2020. 💗
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