If Grandpa Can't Fix It We're All Screwed Funny 11 Oz Coffee Mug The Mr. has to start his day with coffee otherwise he will be cranky all day and having that coffee or tea on a funny mug is that much better. Great for hot cocoa, warm cider, ice cream and even soup when you just want a cup, heat up some leftover chili for a quick lunch and microwave some instant oatmeal for breakfast on the go. This mug is the perfect size, comfortable handle and bright and clear funny message. Very well printed and the text is on both sides so you can use either hand and the message will be visible. Excellent gift for the grandpa Mr. Fix it coffee lover. I find myself telling the grandkids to be careful with their toys and they always reply "if it breaks grandpa will fix it" so i could not pass this mug up. Excellent quality at an affordable price for a nice little gift. Dishwasher and microwave safe. #GrandpaMugs #grandpa #gift #coffee #tea #funnymugs #hotcocoa #ho...